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Total Energy Solutions


Microgrids Are Revolutionizing Our Dependence On Utility Power  

Microgrids are a growing segment of the energy industry that companies and small communities are utilizing to harness a reliable power source 24/7/365. Microgrid systems serve as a continuous power source for commercial and industrial operations in remote areas off the grid where utility power is not yet available. They also provide reliable emergency backup power for medical centers, data centers, and even small towns. If you’re looking for a company to install a microgrid, contact Total Energy Solutions now. We provide custom microgrid design and installation projects to meet specific needs.

What is a Microgrid?

Microgrids are localized power grids with independent power sources and load points that can connect or disconnect from the traditional grid. Because they can operate while the main grid is down, microgrids help to minimize downtime for companies and prevent community-wide outages. In remote areas such as West Texas, microgrid systems provide reliable power that is not otherwise available for drilling operations.

Microgrids, the Solution for Oilfield Operations

Power availability and reliability is a major concern for companies with operations in isolated areas. In the remote shale plays across West Texas where utility power is sparse, oilfield microgrid power solutions can be a lifeline for companies working on projects there. The typical oilfield covers many square miles, involving many different sites that are often situated far from a reliable grid power. For oilfield companies, microgrids can provide power exactly where it’s needed for drilling operations without having to wait for utility companies to expand their grids. Microgrids also allow oilfield companies to be energy independent and, therefore, not susceptible to mass outages during severe weather or any other disturbances utility power can experience. During such outages, utility companies prioritize densely populated areas, so it could be weeks before utility power is restored in more remote locations. Also, oilfield and fracking companies have a unique advantage in that they produce their own generator fuel.  Natural gas produced during oil extraction fuel can be scrubbed, which means removing traces of liquid so that it can be used as fuel for the natural gas generators that make up a microgrid.  This byproduct normally burned off as waste is now put to work greatly reducing fuel costs.

Community & Commercial Microgrids for Backup Power

Microgrid systems also provide a viable option as an emergency backup power source for small towns, urban centers, university and corporate campuses, medical centers, data centers, and more. These microgrids can run in parallel with the main utility grid when utility power is available. When necessary, the microgrids can separate themselves from the main grid. The localized power created by generators powers these communities and campuses when severe weather strikes and causes a mass outage. When utility power returns, the microgrid is returned to standby mode.

Microgrid System Design & Installation Projects

Total Energy Solutions, a full service generator company, can design a microgrid for your exact needs, whether it’s for an oilfield project, a small community, or a campus in need of reliable power without interruption. Our microgrid power plants take natural gas generators, state of the art power distribution equipment, and battery storage to deliver flexible, reliable, high-quality power where you need it most. We do it all at a competitive rate that is comparable to grid-connected utility power. To learn more about our microgrid system solutions, contact the power generation experts at Total Energy Solutions.